Toddlers left in the desert – saved

Toddlers left in the desert saved

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

full screen A section of the border wall in the Sonoran Desert that separates Mexico from the US Arizona. Photo: Matt York/AP/TT

Two small children, eighteen months and four months old respectively, were found abandoned in the Arizona desert in the United States.

The children were found by a border guard, after a group of migrants were detained and one of them told where the children were.

According to the Border Patrol Agency, the older child was heard crying, while the infant was found unconscious with his head on the ground. The border guard who found the children performed first aid on the infant and both children were later taken for treatment and were able to be handed over to the authorities.

“Yesterday, smugglers left two children – an infant and a toddler – in the Sonoran desert to die. This is just another example of how smugglers exploit migrants for money. This is cruel,” Patrol Chief John Modlin said in a statement.

It is unclear if any of the 18 who were detained are suspected of abandoning the children.

Corrected version: In an earlier version, one of the children’s ages was wrong.
