And two! After The Defeat of the Westt, by Emmanuel Todd, announcing the triumph of Putin’s Russia still at the top of the list, here in 4th place, another type of position on a West still so mistreated: that of the Franco-Israeli lawyer and essayist Gilles-William Goldnadel who publishes War diary. It is the West that we are assassinating, at Fayard. Started on October 7, 2023, the day of the Hamas attacks against Israel, its document repeatedly asserts “we are at war”, which was fortunate to please Current valueswhich devotes two pages to it, JDD (interview) and Figaro Magazine, who publishes the good sheets. And of course to CNews, of which this 70-year-old lawyer, fighter for the Jewish cause and columnist on Pascal Praud’s set, is one of the regulars. Likewise, RMC he invited him under the banner of “leftist anti-Islam”.
For an overview, a little more objective, we will fall back on The Acceleration of History. The geostrategic nodes of a world out of control (Tallandier) by the director of the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) Thomas Gomart, 17th in our list of essays. The historian analyzes the interconnection of conflicts (Ukraine, Taiwan, Hamas) against a backdrop of growing Sino-American rivalry, Sino-Russian rapprochement, strengthening of NATO and political emergence of the “global South”, all by urging Europe to act.
© / The Express
He also knows the world well: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature, recalls in a short work, Nomadic identity (Robert Laffont), 7th in the list, the multiplicity of his identities, ties and peregrinations: Mauritian, British, Nice, Breton, French, Nigerian, African, Mexican, Marrakech, Moroccan… before concluding: “My identity is there: it is a nomadic identity.” Sonia Kronlund’s “hero” is also a man who has multiplied identities, but for a much less laudable purpose. With The Man of a Thousand Faces (Grasset), propelled to 11th place, the documentary filmmaker and producer of the show “Les Pieds sur terre” on France Culture gives us his five years of investigation into an astonishing character, called here Ricardo, a high-flying liar, who managed to lead four married lives in parallel in Argentina, France and Poland under various personalities, all very attractive. We follow this imposter from Paris to Warsaw via the favelas of Brazil until his arrest by police officers.