Today’s elderly drink more

Todays elderly drink more

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Older people have different drinking habits now compared to before. Archive image. Photo: Annika Byrde

Pensioners drink more and more. Among people over the age of 65, alcohol consumption has increased by 30 percent, which means a break in trend from how it has been in the past.

On the whole, alcohol consumption among the Swedish population has decreased by 15 percent since 2004. But the decrease is greatest among the younger population. The only age group that has seen an increase in their drinking is the oldest, those aged 65 and over.

“Normally, alcohol consumption decreases with increasing age, but those who are getting older today carry with them a higher alcohol consumption into old age than previous generations,” says Anna Raninen, responsible for alcohol research issues at Systembolaget, in a press release.

Better economy

The increase is primarily explained by the fact that women in that age group drink more – their consumption has increased by 46 percent, according to the report produced by the Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotics Information (CAN) on behalf of Systembolaget. The older men’s consumption is up 17 percent.

It is also explained by the fact that today’s elderly have better finances and better health than previous generations. Many live more active lives where alcohol can be included as part of the lifestyle.

Drink more often

Older people drink more often and in smaller amounts at a time. People aged 65-84 said they drank alcohol an average of six times in the past month, in the 2018 survey.

They also drink more evenly over the week and over the year, the report shows. People in other age groups had more marked peaks in their drinking during the summer months.

More sensitive

At the same time, sensitivity to alcohol increases the older you get, Systembolaget writes in the press release. It is connected with reduced body weight, poorer health and the fact that diseases that require medication are more common among the elderly.

In recent years, the trend has been for us to spread our alcohol consumption more evenly over our lifetime. About twenty years ago, it was more common for young people to have a higher alcohol consumption and then to reduce their drinking as they got older. If the current trend continues, drinking among the elderly will continue to increase, CAN believes.


Drinking among the elderly

From the results in the report, it appears that 65–84-year-olds:

Are alcohol consumers to the same extent as the rest of the population.

Drinks more often than the general population.

Above all, drink wine.

Increased their consumption by 30 percent and thus approached the population average.

Drinks more spread out over time (days of the week, months of the year).

Intensely consumes relatively rarely – even if it has become more common.


The measurements follow the development of alcohol consumption in Sweden. In the measurements, among other things, questions about drinking habits are asked of a nationally representative sample of 17–84-year-old respondents.

Source: Central Association for Alcohol and Narcotic Information

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