Today there is a really expensive fantasy blockbuster that has destroyed an entire universe

Today England plays against Serbia in the European Football Championship and overlaps with our today’s TV tipwhich also comes from a British production. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword was supposed to be the Start of a six-part franchise but failed immediately and thus brought an entire universe to a halt.

English legend instead of England’s game at the European Championships? That’s what the fantasy blockbuster King Arthur: Legend of the Sword is about

After King Uther Pendragon is murdered, his brother Vortigen (Jude Law) seizes the crown. The rightful heir, Uther’s son Arthur (Charlie Hunnam), knows nothing of his origins and grows up in the alleys of London. When one day he legendary sword Excalibur from the stonehis fate changes. With the help of the magical weapon and a group of resistance fighters, Arthur sets out to overthrow his tyrannical uncle and reclaim the throne.

Warner Bros.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

King Arthur universe fails after just one film

Simply copying a recipe for success rarely works. The King Arthur franchise failed before it even got off the ground. When the Marvel Cinematic Universe released one blockbuster after another, other studios wanted to create their own film universe. Universal failed at the first attempt with The Mummy with Tom Cruise and Warner Bros. also had to cancel the planned franchise after King Arthur.

Actually, six films were supposed to retell the Arthurian legend in a modern fantasy blockbuster guise. Although the popular Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam slipped into the title role and the celebrated director Guy Ritchie directed the film, not enough people wanted to see the 175 million dollar production see.

The fantasy film only made around 140 US dollars worldwide. And the reviews were not particularly positive either. On Rotten Tomatoes, King Arthur Legend of the Sword received only one Critics score of 31 percent. After all, it was able to convince 69 percent of the audience.

When is King Arthur: Legend of the Sword on TV?

At the Today, Sunday, June 16th at 8:15 p.m., ProSieben will show the King Arthur film adaptation and overlaps with the European Championship match England against Serbia, which starts at 21:00. A Repetition The film will be shown on the night of June 17th at 1:55 a.m. Regardless of the TV schedule, you can stream King Arthur on WOW at any time.

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