Today, the EU decides on restrictions for travelers from China

Today the EU decides on restrictions for travelers from China

Corona testing in the country of departure, masks and aircraft wastewater monitoring are the most likely actions to be decided on today.

EU countries are meeting today to discuss common restrictions on travelers from China.

It is likely that EU-wide joint recommendations will be decided at the official meeting.

According to ‘s information, the package could contain several types of recommendations, starting with the use of masks on flights to China, waste water monitoring of airplanes, and corona testing of passengers.

– It would seem that there is a willingness in the member states to start requiring a negative preliminary test from those leaving China and coming to the EU region, estimates the special expert in the field of health at the Finnish EU Delegation Pasi Mustonen Yelle from Brussels.

However, testing is a stronger national decision than other measures.

– I predict that we will make a decision about testing the country of origin. This is my enlightened view at the moment, says Mustonen.

It is possible that the member countries have other positions, but according to Mustonen, a common note is being found.

Finland is waiting for a common line from the EU

The number of coronavirus infections has increased rapidly in China since the country relaxed its strict corona restrictions at the end of last year.

Now that the Chinese are allowed to travel more freely again, concern has arisen in different parts of the world about whether new, nastier forms of the virus are spreading with tourists.

– An unvaccinated nation combined with the rapid spread of the virus, worse virus types can emerge from it, Minister of Family and Basic Services Krista Kiurua (sd.) told yesterday.

A few countries have already independently decided on corona restrictions on Chinese tourists: for example, Australia, Canada, Britain, France and the United States have decided to tighten their entry requirements due to China’s weakened corona situation.

– We hope that today we will reach a common vision, which everyone will then implement, says Mustonen.

It is an EU presidency country Summoned by Sweden (you switch to another service) formed by civil servants IPCR meeting (you switch to another service), which forms the framework of the EU’s crisis operations. Health authority is largely in the member countries. There are therefore no binding decisions today, but a recommendation to the member states.

The measures could be in place within a week, depending on how the member states get their national decisions made.

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