“Today, teachers are deprived of authority” – L’Express

School holiday calendar Attal procrastinates – LExpress

Macron: agree with Abnousse Shalmani…

Philippe Corcuff, Le Havre (Seine-Maritime)

Abnousse Shalmani’s column is remarkable for its accuracy and relevance in denouncing the incompetence of our president. With The Schpountz, In 1938 Marcel Pagnol created a character, Irénée Fabre, pretentious, full of himself, puffed up with pride, who believed he had an exceptional talent to become a tragedian. However, the film ends well and shows us an Irénée who has rediscovered the meaning of the word humility, the only quality which ultimately allowed him to find his true path. Will someone whose essential characteristic comes down to permanent procrastination also be able to take the same path? (“The head of state lacks backbone and talks too much“, L’Express of November 23.)

François de La Vaissière, Vernon (Eure)

Abnousse Shalmani’s column enchants us with its incisive and liberated tone. It was time to dare to speak wisely about the proven inadequacies of our president, stuck in a sterilizing “at the same time” and wallowing in speeches as sterile as they are insignificant. The author knows how to be cruel, but undoubtedly it is necessary for our leaders to understand that we have had enough of words and that we finally need actions. Tomorrow, it will be too late… (“The head of state lacks backbone and talks too much“, L’Express of November 23.)

READ ALSO >>March against anti-Semitism: Emmanuel Macron’s missed appointment

… or not

Jean-Paul Delafenêtre, Esclauzels (Lot)

As one of the most convinced readers of Abnousse Shalmani’s columns, I express today my astonishment upon reading his column devoted to Emmanuel Macron. His criticism is essentially motivated by the fact that the president chose not to be present at the march against anti-Semitism, this absence being interpreted as a lack of support for Israel. This forgets that the parents of the French hostages supported by Hamas are awaiting the release of their loved ones, which liberation can only be the joint work of the two belligerents. (“The head of state lacks backbone and talks too much“, L’Express of November 23.)

Female and male brains

Christian Guérin, Lyon (Rhône)

According to a barometer from the Women’s Forum, those who consider male and female brains different are simply victims of stubborn prejudices. We can still wonder why 97% of prisoners are men, why the age to pronounce 50 words is on average 26 months for girls and 29 months for boys… Or refer to your article of June 22 2023: “Maternal instinct, a trick?” Culture can certainly explain many statistical differences between men and women, but to deduce from this that the only explanation for these differences is due to prejudices seems to me to be a reasoning bias that certain associations use and abuse. (“Le Décrypteur”, L’Express of November 23.)

READ ALSO >>The L’Express file – Maths, we must act!

Education: the damage of laxity

Claude Morvan, Cholet (Maine-et-Loire)

The Timss international ranking on maths teaching shows that France is in last place in Europe. However, the situation could be quickly improved. Today, teachers are deprived of authority since they are prevented from grading correctly with regard to the content of the programs. The entire lax policy of automatic passage accentuates social inequality through the obligation to give private lessons. To radically change education, it is not money that should count. The student must know that he must work; that the basics of French and maths are acquired and that the class council remains sovereign for the move to the next class. Politicians must now take strong decisions – at the risk of being unpopular – in the interests of children and for the future of our society. Mathematics: the seduction operation“, L’Express of September 28.)

READ ALSO >>Education: stop the losing machine, by Eric Chol

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