Today, Agnes Boström in Älandsbro turns 112 – second oldest in Sweden

Agnes Boström, born in 1912, has lived for over a century. On Monday, she was celebrated by family and friends at the Älandsgården serviced residence in Älandsbro north of Härnösand.

– I got to meet family and friends, the best thing you can have, says Agnes Boström.

She has let the alcohol be:

– I have never tasted it, says Agnes, who believes that it may be one of the reasons for her long life.

“She has always been cheerful”

Granddaughter Ulrika Wallin helps in the celebration, coffee has to be brewed and all the flowers need to be put in a vase.

– She has always been alert and happy in her mood and walks at a brisk pace with the walker, says the granddaughter.

Hear Agnes tell about her tricks to be 112 years old in the video.
