Today a war film masterpiece is coming to TV that has inspired a cult series with 168 episodes

Today a war film masterpiece is coming to TV that

Some concepts simply catch on: Stalag 17 comes from the legendary Billy Wilder and was even awarded an Oscar. But we also owe the (anti-)war film the creation of an extremely successful and long-lasting series. The film is on TV today.

Today on TV: That’s what Stalag 17 by Billy Wilder is about

In one German prisoner of war camp during World War II all hell breaks loose. While some inmates repeatedly try to break out of the camp, their efforts are always thwarted. Clearly there is a traitor in their ranks who will hand them over to the Germans – with deadly consequences.

Stalag 17 dares to walk a fine balancing act and masters it with flying colors. While Billy Wilder, William Holden and Don Taylor certainly sound harsh, this is what comes above all else Humor to compensate Not too short. The bad life in prison is offset by many jokes at the expense of the Germans.

This series is based on Stalag 17

Originally it was supposed to be a series based on Stalag 17 Barbed wire and heels (in English: Hogan’s Heroes), but was then re-released under the title A Cage Full of Heroes.

That’s one thing completely new synchronization underlying, which made the tone of the project much friendlier and changed a lot. For example, the German guards now speak with Austrian or Saxon dialect.

The story of the series is so closely based on Stalag 17 that the producers even sued the makers. But without success. Curiously, there was even another planned series called Campo 44, whose premise also served as inspiration. It never got beyond the pilot, but it appeared after the release of Hogan’s Heroes and was then accused of plagiarism (via Spiegel ).

Here you can see it Trailer for A Cage Full of Heroes view:

A Cage Full of Heroes – Trailer (German)

TV or stream: When and where is Stalag 17 coming?

Arte shows Stalag 17 today, on January 22nd at 8:15 p.m at prime time. A Cage Full of Heroes runs on Nitro or RTL+, for example.

Otherwise, you can also rent or buy Stalag 17 online from Amazon or Apple TV.

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