Tobacco: how to quit smoking?

Tobacco how to quit smoking

Not easy for smokers to quit. In addition to the will, it is necessary to be able to free oneself from the addiction to nicotine. Here are some ways to reduce or quit smoking.

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How to quit smoking ? This question torments any smoker who ever tries to quit smoking. In fact, it’s the nicotine who is responsible for the addiction.

It stimulates the pleasure centers and leads to addiction on three levels:

  • Behavioral addiction, with the reflex of “pulling” on the cigarette.
  • Pharmacological dependence, the nicotine having an effect anxiolytic and antidepressant. It thus stimulates intellectual functions and acts as a appetite suppressant.
  • Addiction physical finally, because nicotine deprivation causes a terrible state of craving which results in symptoms such as depression, irritability, outbursts of anger…

Be aware, however, that despite all its faults, the nicotine is less toxic than the tars or nitrites contained in cigarette paper. That’s why one of the best ways to quit to smoke is still… to consume nicotine in forms that are less harmful, and also less expensive than tobacco.

Alternative treatments to quit smoking

Substitution treatments exist mainly in the form of chewing gum and transdermal patches. You will find them in pharmacies. But there are also drugs that make it possible to do without tobacco.

As the bupropion marketed as Zyban. Produced by GSK, it is an amphetamine that would offer 20% weaning at one year. Due to sometimes serious accidents, the use of this antidepressant must still be strictly supervised. It is therefore contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Also available on the market is varenicline. It is produced by the American laboratory Pfizer, and marketed under different names, Champix or Chantix. In itself binder to specific brain receptors, it annihilates the effect of nicotine. More effect shoot », so no longer want to come back.

Again, beware, adverse effects have been reported. Namely depressive disorders and suicidal thoughts in patients undergoing withdrawal. Ask your doctor.

All of these products alleviate cravings and are effective weaning aids. For the rest, the will to stop must be strong, it is essential.

Quit smoking by hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy…

Apart from these recognized means, the weaning candidate can rely on theacupuncture and homeopathy, alone or in combination. Hypnosis also has its adepts and in some cases, therapies cognitive and behavioral skills work well.

This approach leads to a search for the why and the how of intoxication. This is to determine if thedesire to smoke finds its origin in stress, work or loneliness for example. The goal is to teach the patient to manage these situations. On good ground, the result can be convincing.

Beware of light cigarettes

Beware, however, of backlash when a pressure unexpected! And above all, do not turn to so-called light cigarettes or light. They are not at all, on the contrary, even if they tempt you and reassure you by indicating on their packaging reduced tar and nicotine content.

These cigarettes make you think you’re going to smoke tobacco less strong and therefore less harmful! Supported by tests, it has long been proven that these indications are misleading. Using machines reproducing the habits of smokers, several studies have shown that the official standards on which tobacco companies rely are undervalued. In addition, light smokers “pull” more on their cigarette. As a result, they swallow nearly 40% more smoke! On average, the light ones absorb three times more tar and nicotine than what they display on the pack. If you want to limit your consumption, do not fall into the trap!

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