Tobacco: consumption is on the rise again, especially among women

Tobacco consumption is on the rise again especially among women

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    According to the latest Public Health France barometer, an increase in the number of smokers was observed in 2021. This increase would have been greater among women. In addition, the health crisis linked to Covid-19 is believed to be the cause. Doctissimo takes stock.

    While a drop in tobacco consumption was observed between 2014 and 2019, then a stability in the prevalence of smoking in 2020, a further increase was observed in 2021. According to the latest barometer published by Santé Publique France, the number of smokers in the country is estimated at 15 million. Among them, 12 million are daily smokers. Tobacco is the leading cause of avoidable death in France (75,000 deaths in 2015).

    Nearly 32% of French people are smokers

    In order to conduct their research, the Ipsos institute carried out a telephone survey on a random sample of people aged between 18 and 85, residing in France, between February and December 2021. In total, 24,514 individuals in mainland France and 6,519 individuals in overseas departments and regions were interviewed.

    Result: more than three out of ten adults (31.9%), aged between 18 and 75, said they smoked, including a quarter daily (25.3%).

    “The prevalence of smoking increases compared to 2019 (30.4%), while the change in daily smoking is not significant (24.0% in 2019)”, specifies Santé Publique France in its report.

    Smoking: a sharp increase among women

    According to the results of this barometer, daily smoking has increased in particular among women (from 20.7% to 23% between 2019 and 2021). This increase could be linked to the Covid-19 epidemic crisis. Indeed, according to Public Health France, “the Coconel survey showed that women more often lost their jobs and experienced a deterioration in their working conditions”.

    Their physical and psychological load was greatly increased and the cigarette was for them, “a tool for managing stress or overcoming daily difficulties”.

    A prevalence of smoking that varies according to the university degree

    Age, sex or region can influence the prevalence of smoking. Another factor was taken into account to carry out this survey: the level of diploma.

    According to the results of this barometer, “the prevalence of daily smoking remains significantly higher in 2021 when the level of education is lower”:

    • 32.0% of people with no diploma or a diploma below the baccalaureate smoke daily;
    • 17.1% among holders of a diploma higher than the baccalaureate.

    In addition, among 18-64 year olds, the prevalence of daily smoking is still higher among unemployed people (45.7%) in 2021. Regarding the employed, the prevalence of daily smoking is 26, 6%.

    Finally, in addition to an increase in tobacco consumption among French people, the prevalence of daily vaping was 5.0% among 18-75 year olds in 2021. An increase compared to 2020 ( 4.3%) according to Public Health France.
