Tobacco: a campaign to deconstruct fears related to quitting

Tobacco a campaign to deconstruct fears related to quitting

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    France has 15 million smokers. If the figures do not increase in recent years, the number of precarious smokers is on the other hand increasing. This is why Public Health France, Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health are today launching a campaign aimed at them.

    Orchestrated by Public Health France, Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health, the campaign against tobacco launched today targets the most precarious, in order to “deconstruct the fears associated with quitting smoking and encourage smokers to seek help“.

    A significant increase in the number of precarious smokers

    According to the press release from Public Health France, “the prevalence of smoking for this group (of precarious smokers, editor’s note) has indeed increased from 30% in 2019 to 33% in 2020″. Faced with this observation, the health authorities have decided to act to “rekindle a downward trend, and better target prevention actions to the most socio-economically vulnerable populations to counter the rebound in smoking seen“.

    Different approaches to quitting smoking

    In this campaign, the objective is to remind the most precarious smokers (job seekers, people with disabilities, etc.) that there are different solutions for quitting smoking.

    Through real testimonials, it is shown that he “nIt’s not so difficult to ask for help from a pharmacist, a doctor, a Tobacco info service professional on 39 89, etc. and to be accompanied free of charge in the process”. These testimonials, told by Régine, Elodie, Théo and Bénaïd tell four stories, four reasons to quit smoking and how: nicotine substitutes, support from a professional or use of a support group, Tobacco info service application… A means of promoting the free aid that exists to support smokers, such as the 3989the telephone service of Tobacco info service.

    Three ways to reach Tabac info service

    In addition to this telephone service, the health authorities point out that Tabac info service is also accessible on the web and offers personalized e-coaching, through its website or its Facebook page, but also on the Tabac Info service application.

    The CNCT calls for a ban on flavorings in nicotine

    The National Committee against Smoking (CNCT) conducted a study for three years on the market for new products derived from tobacco. He is worried about the acceleration of sales and calls in a press release published on February 13 for a ban on flavorings in all devices that contain nicotine other than tobacco. For the CNCT, their presence plays “a central role in the normalization of nicotine“. In addition, the committee also wishes to limit the accessibility of these products by better regulating their retail sale. Finally, it calls for an in-depth review of the regulation of nicotine and of these new products that contain it.
