To stay in shape, Faustine Bollaert drinks the same drink every morning, and it only contains two ingredients

Faustine Bollaert gives us a taste of the holidays with

According to Faustine Bollaert, this drink that she consumes daily ensures a toned figure and a healthy body. And it only contains two small ingredients!

With her radiant skin, shiny hair and slender body, Faustine Bollaert has left her mark on the French audiovisual landscape. And for good reason, she adopts the right habits to preserve her beauty capital. One of her slimming secrets is actually a morning drink that she can’t do without…

Faustine Bollaert is a fan of this detox drink

Very particular about her well-being, Faustine Bollaert has incorporated a special drink into her daily routine. In order to stay in shape and improve the functioning of her body, the France Télévision star drinks a special drink every morning.lemon water. “I start the day with a glass of warm water lemon juice. It’s perfect for detox and it limits the damage of a breakfast that’s too fatty.” she explained in a recent interview with Tele-Leisure. A simple but effective ritual! And if she managed to keep a toned body thanks to this detox drink with two ingredients, it is in particular because it has many benefits.

The virtues of lemon water in the morning

When diluted in water and consumed upon waking, lemon is known to stimulate gastric juiceswhich provides better digestion and energy gain. In addition to this benefit, this gesture also helps the proper functioning of the gallbladder.

Result? Toxins are better eliminated. Thanks to its richness in pectin, a soluble fiber contained in the white skin of the lemon, the citrus fruit slows down the passage of fats and sugars in the body. Finally, the vitamin C that it contains in its pulp promotes the transformation of dopamine and serotonin which is necessary to limit food compulsions and snacking.
