To sleep well, do bodybuilding!

To sleep well do bodybuilding

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    According to an American study, practicing strength training would guarantee better sleep and allow you to gain up to 17 minutes of sleep every night.

    According to a study presented by the American Heart Associationdoing strength exercises would help you sleep better.

    To reach this conclusion, the specialists followed for a year 406 adults who did not practice any physical activity. These volunteers suffered “overweight, obesity and high stage 1 hypertension, at high risk of cardiovascular disease”. The researchers randomly divided them into four groups. One did only cardio, the second only muscle-strengthening exercises and the third mixed cardio and muscle-strengthening in equal parts. The last group is a control group.

    17 minutes per night more

    Throughout the duration of the experiment, each week, the volunteers did 3 one-hour sports sessions. Participants were also asked to describe their sleep in terms of its quality, duration, time it takes them to fall asleep, and sleep disturbances.

    Results ? “Sleep disturbances decreased significantly in all groups, including the control group”, says the study. In detail, among the 42% of participants who started the study by sleeping less than seven hours per night, those who did resistance exercises slept 17 minutes more per night.

    “These results indicate that resistance exercise may have superior benefits on sleep compared to aerobic exercise, which could provide a new avenue for the role of resistance exercise in promoting cardiovascular health.”conclude the researchers.
