To no longer depend on Google, Europe wants to create its own DNS service

To no longer depend on Google Europe wants to create

The European Union has just launched a call for tenders to create a DNS resolver for all 27 states. Called DNS4EU, DNS for the EU, the project aims to protect Europeans from foreign DNS services.

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One dns server is crucial for access to Internet. When a user enters the address of a website into their browser, their computer consult a server DNS, also called resolver, to know theIP adress of the site. Usually, devices use their ISP’s DNS servers. However, it is also possible to use public servers, such as those of Google.

In one tender to create its own public DNS service, the European Commission points out that many institutions and Internet users use DNS servers located outside Europe, which poses the problem of respect for privacy. The solution chosen for its DNS4EU project will have to support standards such as DNSSEC, DoT, DoH as well as IPv6, respect the GDPR, process all data in Europe and finally will be prohibited from selling or monetizing personal data.

Europe-wide blocked sites

The service will also have to integrate a filtering system. Unlike large servers DNS that claim not to be subject to blocking requests at national level, DNS4EU will have to filter sites at European level. It will thus be able to protect Internet users from sites containing viruses or used for phishing.

However, he will also have to block sites by court order, for example those containing pirated content. Some could see there the beginnings of censorship for the European Web, but this is nothing new compared to the DNS servers of ISPs, which are already subject to such constraints. In addition, these servers will simply be made available to the public, and not used by default.

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