To get a real idea of your weight, it is best to respect a certain frequency and a few conditions.
While monitoring your weight is important, it should not become an obsession. It is therefore not necessary to weigh yourself every day. In fact, your weight changes several times in a single day. This can be linked to diet, hydration, physical activity, emotions, hormones, etc. For women, it is therefore not recommended to get on the scales as your period approaches because there is greater water retention at this time. Weighing should also not take place after a sports session, because with what has been eliminated and sweating, the result will be below reality.
There are also some misinterpretations to avoid: since muscle weighs more than fat, it is indeed possible to gain weight by doing sports. You also need to know how to use your scales properly. It is important to get on the scales slowly with your feet flat on each side. Then, the weight must be well distributed between the two legs. Above all, you must stay straight while weighing and avoid leaning your torso too much to look at the dial, as this could change the numbers. A quick glance will suffice.

It is also preferable to always get on the same scale, because from one device to another, the settings can be different, not giving the same result. Once the scale has been chosen and properly adjusted, it should not be moved and also avoid placing it on a carpet. Finally, weighing should be done undressed to remove the weight of clothing.
With these prerequisites established, it is recommended not to weigh yourself more than once a week. Once every two weeks would even be sufficient as long as it is always on the same day and in similar conditions. The day and the exact moment when you weigh yourself is also very important to have a better idea of your true weight. According to dietician Jeremy Gorskie in a video made with Michel Cymesone of the most inadvisable days to weigh yourself would be Monday. The weekend is a time of relaxation where meals can be more substantial, or even preceded by a small aperitif. It is therefore not advisable to get on the scale right after, because there will be a little more water retention.
The ideal is therefore to choose a day away from the weekends, rather Thursday or Friday and not to rely on the weight obtained after meals. Concerning the time, it depends on your wake-up time, because you should weigh yourself in the morning to be fasting. Going to the toilet before is even better, because absolutely nothing will weigh more on the scale. So waking up, toilet, weighing on a Thursday or Friday morning, every two weeks seems to be the ideal routine to have the most accurate vision possible of your weight.