To keep your landline phone, don’t forget this step, otherwise “your connection will be cut”

To keep your landline phone dont forget this step otherwise

With the deployment of optical fiber in France, the copper network set up in the 1970s for our landline telephones is doomed to disappear. How to keep your landline at home?

Having a landline at home is very practical when our smartphone breaks or runs out of battery. This can even be vital if you need to urgently contact emergency services. Even if we are less accustomed to using the home telephone, it is therefore essential, as a precaution, that it can be functional.

The copper network, installed in the 1970s for our landline telephones, can be identified with its T-shaped telephone jack. Since the 2000s, this network has been adapted to allow the French to use their high-speed internet access. But this aging copper network should soon be closed due to the deployment of optical fiber throughout the country. Consequence: many users will see their installation modified. So, will we be able to keep our landline telephone line at home?

If you are a fiber subscriber and your landline phone works with your box, closing the copper connection will have no impact on your connection. No changes are therefore expected. On the other hand, if your telephone or box is plugged into the T-shaped wall telephone socket and you are an ADSL subscriber, your installation will have to be modified if you want to keep this line. The operator Orange, owner of the copper network, has planned a closure plan which will take place, depending on the area, until 2030. Several fully fiber-connected municipalities have already experienced these closures.

To migrate your current subscription, you may have to choose the offer of another operator. Find out in advance about the different technologies offered. An interactive map also allows you to check when your municipality is affected by the closure of the copper network. You will be able to better organize yourself to carry out the procedures.

“If you have not migrated to another solution at the time of the technical shutdown, your connection will be cut. Depending on the subscription you have, you will no longer have telephone or internet access, or even television if you receive television via your Internet box” specifies the Arcep website which is responsible for supervising the change from copper to fiber. It is therefore recommended not to wait until the last minute to make your switch.
