To increase its advertising revenues, YouTube recently decided to prohibit video reading if you use an advertising blocker. But an extension still allows you to bypass the problem.

To increase its advertising revenues YouTube recently decided to prohibit

To increase its advertising revenues, YouTube recently decided to prohibit video reading if you use an advertising blocker. But an extension still allows you to bypass the problem.

You will have noticed if you go regularly on YouTube: for several months, the streaming platform has required to watch advertisements before you even start reading a video. And if it is a bit long, reading is still regularly interspersed with other announcements. These advertising sequences are not new: it is indeed thanks to them that YouTube finances its services when they are used for free. Only subscribers to the premium formula, invoiced 12.99 euros per month, escape it – it is even the main advantage of this fairly expensive package …

For years, however, it was possible to avoid these ads – often painful – using an advertising blocker in the form of an extension (a module that is grafted in a web browser to add functions). And there are many extensions (for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and others) which are responsible for blocking the countless pubs that appear on web pages, the best known being Adblock, Adblock Plus, Adguard, Poper Blocker or Ghostery.

Only here, if youtube was very tolerant of them, the platform recently decided to “block blockers”. As soon as it detects one of these modules, a warning appears on the screen and reading videos is impossible as long as the blocker is not deactivated. An understandable decision to the extent is the viewing of the announcements that compensates for free service. And YouTube does not take advantage to encourage those who do not want to see advertisements to move on to its paid formula.

However, an extension still makes it possible to escape advertising on YouTube: Ublock Origin. Simple and formidably effective, this free module refers to experts. In ever embarrassing internet navigation, it blocks all advertisements, fixed or animated, on all web pages, including pop-ups and trackers, by displaying an alert when a link returns to another site. And it can be disabled on the fly or automatically on legitimate sites that need advertising to live, like CCM. Above all, Ublock Origin is still functional on YouTube: even with a free account, video reading begins immediately, without any advertising.

Be careful however. First, nothing guarantees that Ublock Origin works on Youtube forever. Then, the module is supposed to be now incompatible with Chrome, because Google has changed the format of extensions for its browser. But, curiously, it is enough to insist a little to continue to use it, even if a warning indicates that Ublock Origin has been disabled. It is enough to go to the settings of the browser extensions and to click on the Ublock Origin switch to reactivate it. Magic!

If you have not already installed it in Chrome, you will no longer find Ublock Origin in the Web Store Chrome, the official Google extensions store. Instead, we will offer you Ublock Origin Lite, a less effective variation, which does not block Rie on YouTuibe. But you can recover the original on The Ublock Origin site And activate it “by force” you will see, try it is to adopt it! .
