Some species invade cities and countrysides and damage the environment. According to some scientists, eating them would be the right solution to reduce their expansion.
Environmental degradation continues to increase. It’s not just humans who are causing it: some invasive species are also dangerous. According to biologist Joe Roman, who gave his analysis to the Dailymailit is urgent to get rid of them to protect the planet. To do this, he proposed a rather unappetizing solution: eating these species that bother us. This would allow us to eliminate them but also to consume locally.
A London restaurant, the Silo, has recently launched into this concept: offering edible dishes that are part of the species that are harmful to the environment. According to The Parisianthe establishment only served “forces of destruction in nature” but which on the plate are “edible”, even “delicious”.
What species are affected? According to Joe Roman, these are non-native species that quickly become very abundant. They often have high reproduction rates and move around a lot. In the restaurant that defends this concept, you can eat gray squirrel or even American crayfish. The first species is abundant in cities and the second is causing local crayfish to disappear.

For his part, Joe Roman mentions the European green crab or the blue crab, which comes more from America, which he recommends eating fried. The list also includes the European periwinkle, a species of coastal snail. For this dish, you can sauté the snail in oil and add herbs, vinegar and red wine. He also encourages eating periwinkles, shellfish already regularly consumed in Europe. The lionfish, which invades the waters of the Gulf and the Atlantic coast, is also known for its good flesh.
It’s not just marine species that are affected: wild pigs also destroy vegetation. It would be very good in chops, according to the expert. This problem also affects plants like garlic mustard, nickname of garlic mustard: its roots produce chemicals that retard the growth of neighboring plants. So, why not eat it in a salad, it will add a nice little taste.
If you want to participate in this initiative, you have to start gradually and get well informed. To identify invasive species near you, you can go to the site Eat the InvadersIt is obviously not a question of exterminating them by eating them all, but rather of helping to rebalance the ecosystem.