To extend its network, the operator Free Mobile offers owners who wish to install a relay antenna on their land, for a fee. An astonishing initiative, which may not please everyone…

To extend its network the operator Free Mobile offers owners

To extend its network, the operator Free Mobile offers owners who wish to install a relay antenna on their land, for a fee. An astonishing initiative, which may not please everyone…

No mobile telephony without relay antennas! Often mounted on pylons, this equipment is essential for the proper functioning of networks and our mobile phones. And to cover more and more populations and geographical areas while switching to 5G, the four major operators in France – Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile – must continue to develop their network of telephone antennas.

And to extend its network, Free Mobile – a subsidiary of Xavier Niel’s Iliad group – had an original idea: to offer private owners of land the possibility of renting a plot in order to install a relay antenna. A way for the operator to save time in extending its mobile coverage, in particular by reaching less accessible areas, such as Burgundy-Franche-Comté or Limousin.

The deployment of the Free mobile telephone network in France © CCM

For those who would be interested in this most amazing proposal, just fill out a form on the Iliad website (contact details, description of the property, etc.).

© FreeMobile

An interactive map allows precise positioning of the antenna on the ground. The owners who will see their request validated will receive a rentt from the operator, but its amount – variable – is not indicated.

© FreeMobile

Relay antennas: locations that divide

Relay antennas are most often installed on buildings or on pylons. However, it is not enough to have the authorization of the owner of the premises to install an antenna. Each implementation project is subject to several conditions and regulationsas recalled by Radio frequency portal. First of all, the operators must obtain an authorization to transmit issued by theNational Frequency Agency (ANFR). Then, the installation must respect soil law, and therefore obtain the agreement of the local authorities – in particular the town hall – or the state authorities – the Departmental Directorate of Equipment (DDE) or the Architects of French buildings (ABF). ) – as part of the declaration of works or the application for a building permit. When all authorizations have been granted, the ANFR is responsible for coordinating the installation of mobile antennas in order to ensure compliance with the limit values ​​for exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields.

The installation of relay antennas is not always welcomed by the inhabitants living around the site. Already, the neighbors are generally not very happy to discover that a new antenna “pollutes” the landscape. In addition, although scientific studies have not discovered any effects of electromagnetic waves on health, part of the population is skeptical about the effects of long-term exposure, especially for 5G. The debate continues to rage, fueled by expert opinions and second opinions, legal actions and testimonies from people claiming to be electrosensitive, and this new announcement which will upset more than one.
