To ensure better monitoring of its users, France work updates the my space application and launches a new one, employment course, which replaces my offers. They take advantage of a whole bunch of new practical functions.

To ensure better monitoring of its users France work updates

To ensure better monitoring of its users, France work updates the my space application and launches a new one, employment course, which replaces my offers. They take advantage of a whole bunch of new practical functions.

First there was the National Agency for Employment (ANPE) in 1967, then Pôle Emploi in 2008, and since 2024, France Work took over as a new operator of the Public Employment Service. The platform centralizes all the services related to job search: monitoring of allowance, consultation and candidacy for offers, convocations, training, sending documents or messages to its advisor, monthly updating, information on the job market … In short, an essential tool! The organization also displays 40.3 million monthly visits and 12 million offers published in the past year.

To facilitate procedures, the organization strives to gain ergonomics and efficiency. Thus, at the end of January, his website is entitled to a large overhaul, in order to be simpler and more practical with many changes on the home page and in personal space (see our article). As for the advisers, they can now count on the Chat AI to help job seekers more easily find a position corresponding to their expectations. The organization is continuing its business By launching a new mobile application for employment courseswhich takes over from my offers, and updating the my space app, both available for free on Android and iOS.

© France Work

France Work: two new apps for personalized support

Since the end of February 2025, the old Application My Offers has become a job journey. Used on average by one million people per month, it is designed to support job seekers at each stage of their professional career, whether it is the search for offers, applications, monitoring of procedures or appointments.

For those who had installed the my offers on their smartphone, a simple update is necessary to access new functions, while retaining all the data and previously saved favorites. Because in addition to the tools that my offers offered, employment course includes new tools for better personalization. The app now makes it possible to follow your applications in real time, to receive personalized notifications for offers corresponding to your profile, to access a personalized agenda bringing together its procedures and meetings, to control the visibility of its profile with recruiters, and to follow the actions and objectives defined with its France Labor Advisor. Subsequently, the app will also integrate appointment and messaging.

© France Work

The my space application is also entitled to a small overhaul to modernize. Always downloadable on the Play Store and the App Store, it makes it possible to simplify its administrative procedures. Users can update their monthly situation, consult their rights, send documents directly from the camera of their smartphone, download certificates, make an appointment and exchange with their advisor. Practical !
