To combat depression, this sport is one of the best remedies according to experts

To combat depression this sport is one of the best

A simple and accessible physical activity for almost everyone allows, for some according to a study, to avoid depression.

The cold, the rain, the work, the daily life, the health problems … The list could be even more exhaustive to evoke a little less good or simply depression. According to a survey published by Public health France, 3 million French people have been victims of depression over the last 12 months.

Worse, eight million French people have already had symptoms of depression without having the official diagnosis. If there is no miracle remedy and all cases are different, experts have looked into the effectiveness of sport to combat the symptoms of depression.

Led by experts from theUniversity of Edinburghthe study shows that the use of bicycle, especially in means of transport, can be an answer to anxiety and depression. The study explains that people who use bicycle take fewer medicines for mental disorders compared to those who use other modes of transport.


Out of 378,253 people from 16 to 74 years old being part of the sample, those who were traveling by bicycle had 15% chance in less to be prescribed antidepressants or anxiolytics. This effect was more important in women than in men according to the result of the study.

“Our results show that this mode of economic and sustainable displacement to go to work also improves mental health (…) Not only could it improve the mental health of people, but it could also help reduce carbon emissions, road congestion and air pollution,” said Professor Chris Dibben.

More generally, sport is one of the best natural remedies to combat depression. According to sports psychologist Josephine Perry, cited by GQ, “exercise can be as effective as antidepressants”. This conclusion is to be taken, however, with tweezers because all people are different and do not react in the same way.
