To attract a younger audience, Facebook is giving its mobile application a new interface, with a reception offering content chosen by artificial intelligence and a Feeds tab for chronological monitoring.

To attract a younger audience Facebook is giving its mobile

To attract a younger audience, Facebook is giving its mobile application a new interface, with a reception offering content chosen by artificial intelligence and a Feeds tab for chronological monitoring.

Facebook will radically change its interface. While the social network remains the most used in the world, with 2.8 billion users, it faces strong competition from TikTok – with its attention-grabbing short videos, offered by algorithms that quickly identify user tastes. Facebook lost half a million internet users in the last three months of 2021, while the average age of the remaining internet users is gradually increasing. For the past few months, the Meta group – which owns Facebook, but also Instagram – has continued to draw inspiration from the Chinese giant to improve its social networks. He thus transformed all Instagram videos into Reels. Regarding Facebook – which does not really attract young people – an internal memo leaked in early June about a major overhaul of the application’s main feed, taking inspiration from TikTok. It is now done since the group has just announced in a blog post the new social network interface. The least we can say is that things are changing!

© Meta-Facebook

Facebook app: reception becomes a discovery engine

The first big transformation concerns the Facebook home page, which now becomes “a discovery engine that allows you to find and follow new content and creators through recommendations“. You will be able to create and find Reels there and see the content shared by your contacts in the feed and stories. Facebook promises that it will soon be possible to discover more recommended content and new creators. A new feed news that takes up the principle of the wire For you present at TikTok in short. This is good news for influencers who will be able to gain followers more easily.

The social network will use machine learning – machine learning in French – an artificial intelligence that “takes into account thousands of signals in order to get to the heart of the matter and to classify the content so as to offer you what seems to us the most interesting for you”, explains Facebook. A big development for the platform given that around 11% of its main feed content is offline. Also, the content mostly surfaces through shares people make on their network, not the company’s AI. However, some employees shared some reservations about such a change, fearing “losing sight of our fundamental differentiation (the social graph and human choice) in favor of chasing short-term interests and trendsFortunately, Meta seems to have found a compromise with the appearance of a new tab.

Facebook app: a Feeds tab for chronologically ordered content

In addition, the Facebook mobile app has a new tab feedsPublication feed – which will allow you to create a list of friends and pages that interest you and filter out content that does not interest you. There you will find the “ccontent from people and communities you are already connected with“. The goal is to give you “more optionsto see and sort your content, and make it easier for you to follow posts from your friends, pages, and groups — which have been enjoying a resurgence in popularity for a little while. The good news is that it doesn’t there will be more content Suggested for you displayed in the middle of the publications of your loved ones. Facebook is currently rolling out all of these changes that should be coming to your app soon.
