Tlc, MITD: announcements for 2 billion euro incentives for 5G published

Tlc MITD announcements for 2 billion euro incentives for 5G

(Finance) – The two were published today notices for the development of 5G networks in Italy with which the Government makes more than 2 billion euros Of incentives to encourage the creation, by 2026, of infrastructures for the development of 5G in areas of the country without market investments. The announcement is made on Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition in a statement in which he stresses that “this is the first national public intervention to encourage the construction of mobile network infrastructures for the development and diffusion of 5G in areas with market failure”. The two interventions, continues the MITDare aimed at binding in fiber optics more than 10,000 existing mobile sites and to create new 5G mobile sites in more than 2000 areas of the country. The public funding foreseen by the calls will come to cover up to 90% of the total cost of the works.

The two billion envisaged by the calls, MITD points out, are added to 3.7 billion allocated for the Italy call to 1 Giga, to approx 600 million to connect schools, hospitals and health facilities and to over 45 million to reach the smaller islands, envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for 2022.

The first call provides for investment incentives for the construction of fiber optic binding of existing mobile sites up to 90% of the cost of the same.

The second it encourages the creation of new mobile network infrastructures (fiber, infrastructures and electronic components) with transmission speeds of at least 150 Mbit / s in the downlink and 30 Mbit / s in the uplink, also financed up to 90% of the total cost. The deadline for submitting offers is 1pm on April 27, 2022.
