Tlc, Labriola: the sector doesn’t have 3 years ahead if action isn’t taken immediately

TIM successfully places a 850 million euro bond with a

(Finance) – “There is a theme of consolidation and there is a theme of changing the rules, which must be rapid. Our sector does not have three years ahead of them if action is not taken immediately”. Pietro Labriola, Chief Executive Officer TIMspeaking to a conference in memory of Franco Morganti organized by the Italian International Institute Of Communications, dedicated to telecommunications in the digital transformation.

Speaking of the sector, Labriola said: “Today we have 5 mobile networks and if we add up the investments and compare them with the revenues, a profitable subject does not emerge. This leads us to think that 5 mobile networks do not fit in Italy. And with these electromagnetic limits, we won’t even have 5G. I would be tempted to give back the 5G frequencies, for which we spent 1.7 billion euros at the end of the year, because if I have difficulty using them fully, I had to finance myself on the market with this price, paying 7% interest, which means that they are almost 100 million euros a year”.
