Tivoli is allowed to open in Östersund after several tours

The amusement park announced on social media on Thursday morning that they had to pack down the amusement park that they had started setting up at Badhusparken. The reason was that they had not received permission from the police to set up the fair.

– They had submitted the application to the police a week ago, says Carola Jonsson, at Östersund municipality to SVT Jämtland. We will then make a statement to the police before they make a decision. We hadn’t had time to do that before they started setting up the fair and then they lacked a permit.

The operations manager: “One of the most fantastic municipalities”

The operations manager at tivolit, Jimmy Joelsson, tells SVT Nyheter Jämtland that they followed the rules and submitted the application on time, but that they then drove into the area before everything was ready. He admits that mistakes were made there.

During Thursday morning, the police had received all the necessary statements and were able to issue a permit. This means that the amusement park will be able to open on Friday as planned. Jimmy Joelsson is, despite the trips, satisfied with the response from Östersund municipality.

– The municipality is one of the most fantastic I’ve had to deal with. I sat all evening with an official at the municipality who tried to solve everything, says Jimmy Joelsson.
