Titta Keinänen competed in her last karate matches | Sports in a nutshell

Titta Keinanen competed in her last karate matches Sports

Karateka Titta Keinänen ended her career late on Friday evening in Salzburg, Austria.

Karate Titta Keinänen ended his sports career when, according to his announcement, he took his last karate matches in the Serie A competition organized in Salzburg, Austria, the Finnish Karate Federation said in a press release late Friday evening.

The long-time leader of Finnish competitive karate won Greece in his last competition Maria-Georgia Anastasioun by 6–3 and Austria By Lora Ziller 6–1, but the Finns lost to the Netherlands after the exciting stages of the pool final To Ingrid Creemers 5–8.

Keinänen, who has been successful in several international competitions, achieved, for example, two Premier-level competition victories in 2018 and an EC bronze in 2019. According to the release, Keinänen’s EC bronze is the latest Finnish prize medal in the sport.

Read more: Finland’s number one karateka Titta Keinänen finishes: “The biggest flame from fighting has started to fade”
