Titles changed on used car sites: I’m selling to get a Togg

Titles changed on used car sites Im selling to get

Factory opened yesterday Togg After the first signed domestic car model, the titles of the advertisements on the second-hand vehicle sites changed.

The first domestic car model developed by Togg was C-SUV and more. Gemlik-based factory was opened. to all the details here for the factory and vehicle we place today An interesting situation came to the fore. After the first vehicle signed by Togg, which will go on sale in March 2023 and whose official sales price has not yet been determined. Ad titles on used car sites have changed. In the ad title of many vehicles for sale “Togg for sale” or “For sale to buy toggStrange additions such as ” were made.

Right now by owner on websites where there are a lot of used car sales ads, such as bThere are hundreds of automobile advertisements with these phrases. While it seems very interesting that these titles are largely derived at once, in some advertisements which is very meaningless for a vehicle that has not yet been offered for sale.Will trade with Togg” phrases also appear. Of course, it is difficult to speak clearly about this situation. Car owners or “Togg” It is trying to highlight its postings with the phrased titles or there is another situation behind the process.

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Only some of the ads that appear when the owner is searched.


As we said above, the price of the first vehicle signed by Togg is still unknown. on price only Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank There is the following statement by: “We’ve been saying the same thing from the beginning. You know, this is a private sector investment. Here the company has a price policy. They’ve been saying this from the beginning.

‘We will come to the market with a C-class SUV. Therefore, we will go to the market and be competitive at whatever price the internal combustion, gasoline diesel vehicles in the same segment, namely the C-class SUV segment, are sold at’. That’s what they’ve been saying from the start.

In this sense, you will receive lists for those who are curious about the price. At what prices are C-class SUVs currently on the market? You see, an idea occurs in your mind.. ‘So you can say that TOGG will also be released at these prices.

Otherwise, we have never had an explanation that it will be sold from this or that it will be sold from that. From the beginning, it has the target to be sold at the same margin as the C-class SUV segment vehicles when it is launched. The company continues to work in this way as well.”

For the price of the vehicle now There is an expectation of 800-900 thousand TL.. Of course, it is possible that this will be lower and higher. The economic values ​​in the first period of 2023 can have a great impact on the price of the vehicle, for better or for worse.
