Since the release of the film in 1998, the question has haunted viewers who have seen titanic : Could Jack have been able to stand on the board alongside Rose, and not die cruelly from drowning and freezing at the end of the feature film? Regularly asked about this, james cameron decided to carry out a scientific experiment to definitively close the subject. During this experience, the director reproduced identically the different elements with guinea pigs immersed in icy water like in the Arctic. Result, after several attempts, the two guinea pigs manage to hold together on the board. But the body temperature of one of the two would always remain too low for both to survive. “Based on what I know today, I would have made the raft smaller, concludes the filmmaker with humor. So that there is no doubt!”
Titanic’s Craziest Filming Secrets
![Titanics Craziest Filming Secrets](