Tired teachers, lack of candidates: what future for the profession?

Tired teachers lack of candidates what future for the profession

According to a study by Unsa Education, only 22% of teachers would recommend their profession to young people. Tired, exhausted and angry, 92% say they enjoy their profession. But the profession is losing its attractiveness: the number of candidates for the position of professor is falling sharply.

Only 22% of teachers would recommend their job to a young person

Fatigue, anger, depression, resignation, isolation…Here are the terms that stand out when teachers talk about their craft and their mindset. After several years punctuated by the Covid-19, the teachers had to somehow adapt to the various health protocols, without feeling any real recognition and respect in their professional practice. According to a study published on May 23 and conducted by the Unsa Education union with 42,836 teachers, only 22% of them would recommend their profession to a young person. But that doesn’t mean they don’t like their job: 92% of them like the profession. However, “29% no longer find meaning in their mission, and 38% say they are ready to change jobs to the public, and 29% to the private sector” specifies the study. What should be improved according to them? Purchasing power for 68% of respondents, workload (45%), career prospects (41%) or hierarchical relations (23%). Finally, 87% disagree with the political choices and 9 out of 10 teachers believe that they are paid too little.

The lack of candidates for teacher competitions

This year, the number of candidates for the teacher competition has fallen sharply compared to previous years, proof that the profession attracts the young generation much less. The external mathematics capes, which has 1,035 positions, received only 816 applicants in 2022 compared to 1,706 eligible the previous year. As for German teachers, there are 83 eligible for 215 positions, or half compared to 2021. The competitions are therefore far from full, and the approach of the new school year raises fears of a shortage of teachers. The Versailles Academy has even launched a recruitment campaign, from May 30 to June 3, to offer positions for the start of the 2022 school year. Making the profession more attractive, this will therefore be one of the main missions of the new Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye.
