Tired of dating apps? Discover the places where you can meet real people!

Tired of dating apps Discover the places where you can

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    In the age of digital, social media and dating apps, you might think it’s hard to meet people in real life anymore. But there’s nothing like talking, face to face, to get to know the person in front of you. Experts told The New York Times the best places to meet people. Here’s where you should go if you’re looking for love.

    Dating apps and social networks have many positive points. But when it comes to meeting people, they can also have their share of bad surprises. To meet people in real life, here are the places to favor, entrusted by experts at New York Times.

    In a bar or lounge

    Do you work a lot and only have Friday or Saturday evenings to go out? No problem, bars or lounges are traditionally good places to meet people. Over a drink, you can chat about anything and everything with the people around you. And to avoid the risk of spending the evening alone, invite friends to join you.

    In a coffee shop

    If you prefer to go out during the day, sitting in a café can lead to a meeting. Generally, these places always have their fans, with whom you can start a discussion. The place naturally encourages exchanges, in an atmosphere conducive to rapprochement.

    In a bookstore or library

    Do you devour books and are passionate about reading? Libraries or bookstores are probably places that you particularly like. It is therefore not impossible to meet the person who will make your heart beat faster when browsing a shelf of science fiction or detective novels. Or that you strike up a conversation with someone you met there, to exchange your reading impressions on the latest bestseller… Not to mention book clubs, which will also allow you to meet new people.

    In a park

    Everyone has a good reason to go to the park. Whether it’s for a walk or to play sports, you’ll meet regulars who go jogging or walking their pets. Again, this can spark an initial conversation, which could turn into a great meeting, who knows?

    In an art gallery or a gym

    Finally, the last way to meet people is to focus on a hobby. Do you like art or sports? An exhibition or a gym will have enthusiasts who have the same interests as you. This remains the best way to start a conversation with a stranger. Singles, you now know what you have to do to find your other half!

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