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You can now browse Futura without advertising! To do this, simply join our subscription “Futura ad-freeon Patreon. It’s a great way to show your support, and in return receive exclusive benefits such as ad-free browsing throughout the site or live discussions with Futura journalists! Explained.

Where and how to access Futura subscriptions?

Patreon is the support platform we have chosen for our subscription system. The site invites Internet users to finance a multitude of creative projects through regular subscriptions. We now offer two non-binding subscription options, monthly or yearly!

The first is called ” Futura ad-free “. It allows to have a guaranteed access without advertisements on all the site and its services for €35.54 per year (+VAT) or €3.29 / month (+VAT).

The second subscription formula I participate in the life of Futura » is more engaging, in the sense that, in addition to ad-free access, it gives you the opportunity to participate in the life of our independent media (votes, unpublished content, surveys, etc.) to €67.94 year round (+VAT) or €6.29 if you choose the monthly formula (+VAT).

How do I subscribe to Futura on Patreon?

Here are the steps to follow in order to subscribe:

  • Click on the golden star at the top right of the Futura logo: this is the member area that allows you to subscribe or identify yourself if you already have an account on Patreon.

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  • You will have a ” pop up » which will invite you to discover Futura subscriptionsclick this button!
  • Then a new window will open to redirect you to our subscriptions on Patreon
  • You can then choose the subscription that suits you (don’t forget to click on “save 10% by paying for the year” if you want to take advantage of the offer), and create an account via Patreon to unlock this subscription and its benefits.
  • You will then receive a confirmation email for your registration.
  • Now you can have access to all our publications on the Patreon platform, as well as articles without advertising!
  • Regularly check your mailbox, this is where you will receive notifications for each of our publications on the Patreon platform.

Each time you return to the Futura site, make sure that you are connected by clicking on the gold star at the top right, otherwise the ad-free module cannot be activated.

If you like our articles, follow scientific news with the same avidity and curiosity as we do, and want more, with new formats, support us in our future adventures by becoming a contributor on Patreon! By helping us, you concretely create favorable conditions for increasingly serious, free and precise work. So thank you very much.

Don’t hesitate to contact us contact directly if you want to ask us more questions about this Patreon space, and about our approach.

Do you want to access Futura without being interrupted by advertising?

Discover our online subscriptions and browse without ads! At this moment, the Mag Futura is offered for a 3-month subscription to the subscription “I participate in the life of Futura”!

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What is Mag Futura?

  • Our first paper journal of more than 200 pages to make science accessible to as many people as possible
  • A dive into the heart of 4 scientific themes that will mark 2022, from the Earth to the Moon

*Mag Futura is sent after the third month of registration.

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