Tiphaine Auzière goes squared like her mother Brigitte Macron – the change is impressive

Tiphaine Auziere goes squared like her mother Brigitte Macron –

Invited to the 28th Book Festival, Tiphaine Auzière made a very notable appearance thanks to her brand new haircut. Photo.

When it comes to beauty, Tiphaine Auzière is mainly inspired by her mother! As proof, she gave herself a change of mind by going from long to short during the 28th edition of the Book Festival which took place around the Albert 1st garden, in Nice. A choice that immediately reminds us of Brigitte Macron’s hair signature.

Tiphaine Auzière displays a new bob cut

This Friday, May 31, during the first day of the Book Festival, Tiphaine Auzière wore a black and white outfit, but it was especially her hairstyle that did not leave the beautystas unmoved. The one who released the book Seatspublished by Stock, a few months ago as well abandoned her long cascading hair in favor of a bob cut. Brigitte Macron’s youngest daughter completed her new hair look by refreshing her blonde coloring. And in terms of hairstyle, she opted for a side parting and undulations giving an impression of movement to the tips. A haircut that is reminiscent of her mother’s, already converted to the blonde bob a long time ago. Enough to further accentuate their similarities.


The resemblance between Tiphaine Auzière and Brigitte Macron

If the blonde bob makes the resemblance between Tiphaine Auzière and Brigitte Macron even more striking, it is not the only thing that mother and daughter have in common.

Indeed, both share many physical characteristics as their slender silhouette, their grace but also their facial features, their charming smile, their small nose and a deep gaze at, respectively, 40 and 71 years old. Just like Laurence Auzière, Brigitte Macron’s other offspring, Tiphaine Auzière is indeed her mother’s daughter. There is no doubt !
