Tinnitus | Case

Tinnitus Case

According to a British study, around 19% of the population of cities suffers from tinnitus. These noises parasites in the ear that is described as ringing or hissing can affect the quality of life of victims, including adolescents and young adults.

Occasionally, intermittently or continuously, tinnitus is very annoying or even disabling for people with this hearing dysfunction. According to an Ifop survey carried out at the start of 2018, there are, in France, 14 to 17 million people suffering from tinnitus, including 2 to 4 million permanently. The young people are particularly affected : 56% of 15-17 year olds and 49% of 18-24 year olds say they have already felt it. The resonance of tinnitus is very variable, both in intensity and frequency.

Listening to tinnitus

Recall that theJNA association, whose objectives are prevention and the dissemination of information in the field of hearing, organizes every two years – the second Thursday in March – the National hearing day (next meeting, March 10, 2022).

This file offers you an overview of the symptoms, the causes and possible treatments of tinnitus and their prevention.

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