“Tinds” violent father has shared custody

For several years, the custody dispute has been going on between the girl’s parents. “Tindra”, which is really called something else, lives half the time with mom and half the time with dad.

The social service’s assessment is that the father has trouble dealing with anger, alcohol and drug problems and there is a risk that the daughter is damaged by it. Nevertheless, the district court’s assessment is that the parents should have shared custody.

– I worry about her when she is with her father, says the mother.

Sought shelter from classmate

According to the mother, the father has exposed her to physical and mental violence and according to her, conflicts often arise when “Tindra” is with the father.

– At one point she called me and screamed that I had to come and pick her up, says the mother.

On another occasion, “Tindra” ran out in just a t-shirt to take shelter with a classmate’s father.

Doctors questioned socializing

Since 2024, ten reports of concern have been received that “Tindra” has witnessed violence and about the father’s problematic relationship with alcohol and drugs.

One of the reports is made by a doctor who questions why “Tindra” is staying with a perpetrator.

Afraid of losing custody

Parents are responsible for ensuring that the child does not suffer badly, but at the same time it can be difficult to prevent the child from spending time with the other parent even if the child does not feel good about socializing.

– If I do not let her go, I am considered more difficult with her dad, says the mother.

Are you afraid of losing custody?

– Yes, really scared.

New team arouses hope

The new law will strengthen child protection and therefore are now planning to be “mum to try the case again.

According to the law, an assessment of what is best for the child must be made and this should be attached to the risk that the child or someone else in the family is subjected to violence or other abuse.

– I don’t know how long I can fight, but I will try to consider the law, says “Tindra’s” mom.

Footnote: Tindra is really called something else.
