Time: Perseus Karlström won EC gold with covid – unsure of his form before the Olympics

There is a hope that the not so optimal upload will still lead to something good.

– We hope that since I was able to go through a good training period with covid and fatigue symptoms that I will be able to get some kind of super compensation with the tapering now, but we’ll see.

Olympics in Paris 2024

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  • “Strange headache”

    In June, Perseus Karlström won his first international championship gold during the EC in Rome. On location in Paris, the pedestrian says that he won the medal with an infection in his body.

    – Already when I came down to Rome two days before the race, I started having a strange headache and didn’t know why exactly.

    Four days after the race, he tested positive for covid-19.

    The EC gold medalist suffered another viral infection after the championship. As a result, he did not have the opportunity to go to the training camp in Spain where he was supposed to peak his form before the Olympics – and now he does not know where he stands in terms of form.

    “Some days worthless”

    – Some days have been completely useless. Since the EC, I’ve had maybe three days when I’ve felt good, but it’s very uncertain, I must say.

    Perseus Karlström competes in a 20 kilometer walk that starts at 7.30 on Thursday.
