Time change: it’s scheduled tomorrow!

Time change its scheduled tomorrow

The transition to winter time is imminent. Tonight, the French will be able to allow themselves an extra hour of sleep.

It was on the night of Saturday to Sunday October 30 that the France and many other countries in the world will certainly gain an hour of sleep, but will lose one hour of natural sunshine until March 2023. We must not forget to take this information into account: (very) early in the night of Sunday when it will be 3 a.m. it will be 2 a.m. again.

Other countries will be affected by this time change, around sixty countries apply the seasonal time change. Since 2002, the time change has been carried out in the same way in all the Member States of the European Union. Some countries have taken the decision to abandon seasonal time changes: such as Turkey, Ukraine, or Egypt… Sometimes the organization around the time change differs within the same country because of their dimensions, as for the United States. The time change is an aberration for some US senators, Senator Marco Rubio said “Changing the time is an outdated concept, which is a source of frustration and confusion. It’s just stupid , there’s no other way to put it.” He is also at the origin of a law passed unanimously by the American Senate to abolish the transition to winter time. Some states in the east of the American continent see the sun set a little after 4 p.m. The House of Representatives and Joe Biden have not yet decided to adopt this law.

Time change is also increasingly contested by citizens of the European Union. The European Commission had launched a public consultation in 2018, nearly 4.6 million responses had been collected with 84% in favor of the abolition of the time change. However, the directive which was to act on the abolition of the time change was never adopted due to the health crisis linked to Covid-19, the text therefore fell into the abyss of European texts to come into being. This is therefore not the last time that Europeans will change time, the next step will be summer time on the last weekend of March 2023.
