Timber trucks in a unique project – stopped from driving too fast

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

A unique project with digital speed monitoring is now being implemented in four villages in Jämtland and Västernorrland. A system where the driver is prevented from driving faster than the current speed limit. Right now, only wooden cars are being tested, but if the project turns out well, this system can also be introduced on regular passenger cars in the future.

When the logging truck driver David Marcusson drives into one of the villages covered by the digital speed bumps, he can’t go faster than the current speed limit of 50, he tries to accelerate more but it doesn’t work.

The digital speed barriers are made possible by using geofencing technology, which means that vehicles with the right technology cannot drive faster than the applicable speed limit within a certain geographical area. And the routes selected are places where children and the elderly use the country road as a village road to school, school bus or as a walking route.

More about the unique project in the clip above.
