TIM signed a contract to expand work with the Ministry

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(Finance) – It was signed today at Ministry of Labor and Social Policies the 2022-2024 expansion contract with trade union representatives. It communicates it TIM with a note underlining that the agreement involves in addition to the parent company TIM, also Olivetti, Noovle, Sparkle and Telecontact Center.

The expansion contract supports the company transformation process and the renewal of technical-professional skills, as well as the need to ensure, through a recruitment plan, the presence of new professional profiles.

At the conclusion of a process of discussion, the Parties signed theagreement, lasting 10 August 2022 – 29 February 2024, which provides for four pillars: a training and retraining projectwith the involvement of about 30,000 workers; reductions in working hours – for about 30,000 workers – divided into three distinct percentages (10%, 15% and 25%), differentiated by organizational areas; a overall plan of voluntary accompaniment to retirement – referring to 2,200 workers – who will find themselves, by 30 November 2023, no more than 60 months from the first effective date for the pension treatment. Furthermore, for those who will leave the company in 2023, an hourly reduction of up to 100% of working hours (so-called “pre-slip”) is envisaged until the time of leaving. This accompanying plan follows the agreement pursuant to art. 4, signed on 7 June last in order to encourage the voluntary exodus of a maximum total number of 1,200 units in possession of the required requisites; A overall hiring program for specific professional profiles compatible with the Transformation plan, starting from the second half of 2022.

(Photo: © gonewiththewind / 123RF)
