TIM, Labriola: “With the transformation plan we demonstrate the hidden value of the company”

TIM Labriola With the transformation plan we demonstrate the hidden

(Finance) – “Show the financial market – explaining strategy, kpi, perimeters and numbers – what are the values ​​that are hidden within our company and that pertain to the 4 different business areas: NetCo, Tim Enterprise, Tim Consumer and Tim Brasil “. This – as theCEO of TIM, Pietro Labriola, – the objective of the Capital Market Day today who saw the presentation of the Group transformation plan. At the heart of the Plan is the overcoming of vertical integration and the reduction of the company’s debt level through the transfer and enhancement of certain Group assets.

Overcoming the vertically integrated model and reducing the company’s debt level. What are the actions envisaged in the TIM Group transformation plan, presented today, to achieve these objectives?

“The first element is to ensure the execution of the plan, which will lead to a greater level of efficiency, and to work on costs. These are the fundamental elements. The plan presented today tries to demonstrate how we have hidden value within our company. Hidden value linked to the fact that we have three souls, plus the fourth Brazilian, different and with different objectives. We have the Network, that is a basically infrastructural business; a component linked to ‘Families’ customers, which has a restructuring objective, where we have to work more to increase efficiency levels; and the component of large customers, the one that at the moment gives the greatest prospects for growth. We must, therefore, do two jobs in one: continue to work to make our company’s business more efficient but, at the same time, to highlight the opportunities present within this plan which includes 4 different entities “.

What are the numbers on the profitability front of the Tlc sector? He said that in Italy we have the lowest rates in Europe. Is a hike necessary to ensure the sustainability of the sector?

“The numbers speak for themselves. We have the considerably lower prices in Europe. To the extent that, if we considered an increase of 10%, which is less than a coffee a month, we would continue to have the lowest prices in Europe. At the same time we have an industry that is in difficulty today. And I’m not saying that. The fact that an inter-ministerial table has been opened with the Mise, the Ministry of Innovation, the trade unions and the authorities is because the sector needs to redefine oneself and understand how to recover the profitability necessary to invest. Remember that the digitization of the country passes through cutting-edge telecommunications networks. This is an activity that requires a high level of investment and therefore a return through profitability on this investment “.
