TIM, Labriola on stock market collapse: we will analyze trades, discrepancy between bonds and shares

TIM Labriola on stock market collapse we will analyze trades

(Finance) – Il stock market collapse and what happened today on the markets (-23.8% and 12% of the capital changed hands), goes “analyzed in cold blood, trying to understand the situation well. There is an issue, which we also addressed with the analysts, which is the need to better explain some issues and numbers. From a practical point of view, however, we have a company that will have a leverage level of 1.6x in 2026 – a better figure than other peers – and which will return to generating cash in 2025″. This was stated by the CEO of TIM, Pietro Labriolain the press conference on the presentation of the plan, which followed the call with analysts.
“Of course we need to clarify better that 2024 it’s a year we’ll be vertically integrated for more than half the yearand therefore we must remember the cash we burn while we are vertically integrated, so the starting point of the debt level is close to 7.5 billion euros, which is not a guidance in any case – he said – In the plan we do deleveraging and theoretically let’s go in in an investment grade area“.

“The particular thing – said Labriola – is that today our bonds have grown, which means that the fixed income market sees a debt level that is more under control compared to the past. We need to try to understand why the stock market doesn’t see it the same way.”

Something went wrong in terms of communication – echoed the CFO Adrian Calaza – It is important to look at the bond price, if we look at that screen it is positive, so maybe it is too early to understand why the day went like this.”

Pressured by questions on the topic, with some journalists hypothesizing movements of Vivendi in the capital, Labriola added: “We will analyze all the numbers related to the exchanges betterwe will see with our consultants if there is anything particular.”

To a question if the CONSOB had contacted the company, the answer was “no” and the CEO highlighted among other things that “the peak of descent It happened between 5pm and 5.30pm.”
