TIM Foundation alongside Emilia Romagna. Donation to the Municipality of Faenza for the Pirazzini school

TIM Foundation alongside Emilia Romagna Donation to the Municipality of

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – TIM Foundation intervenes to the rescueEmilia-Romagna and approves a donation to the Municipality of Faenza to be allocated to restoration of the ‘Pirazzini Primary School’ which has suffered considerable damage from the recent flood. In particular, the Foundation chaired by Salvatore Rossi and led by the General Manager Giorgia Floriani will offer financial support equal to 300,000 euros for the renovation of the ground floor premises of the school (kitchen, gym, ceramic laboratory, supplementary activities laboratory and some classrooms).

“A heartfelt thanks to the TIM Foundation for this generous contribution – he declared Massimo Isola, Mayor of Faenza -. Even this very important reality, like other Italian private and productive subjects, felt the need to lend us a hand in the regeneration process of our city after the terrible floods that devastated Faenza in the month of May. In particular, we have decided to allocate the generous contribution of the TIM Foundation to the Pirazzini elementary school to restore the entire ground floor which houses study rooms, activity laboratories, the kitchen area, the canteen and the courtyard which is so precious for playful moments girls and boys who attend this educational centre. The restart must arise from teamwork between public bodies, associations and the world of private companies to work together so as to be able to get a territory back on its feet as lively and full of energy as Romagna is”.

“We want to concretely testify our closeness to the area affected by this disaster – he said Salvatore Rossi – and we have therefore decided to intervene in favor of the Pirazzini school, because we consider it exemplary of the values ​​that our Foundation promotes: solidarity, cultural and civil development. Our wish is that this place of early education for children can soon start living again”.
