TIM, Antitrust launches investigation into Consip tender after Fastweb report

TIM Antitrust launches investigation into Consip tender after Fastweb report

(Finance) – The Competition and Market Authority (AGCM) has initiated an investigation towards TIM to check a possible abuse of a dominant position within the scope of tender called by Consip for the supply of mobile telephone services for the PA. This can be read in the weekly bulletin of the Antitrust, where the initiation of a precautionary procedure is also reported to verify the possible need to adopt precautionary measures “suited to restore and maintain competitive conditions in the market concerned”.

The object of the tender is the supply of mobile telephony services and connected and optional services for the PA, up to a maximum of 1.4 million users for a starting price of 235 million euros. The deadline for submission of offersinitially set for 14 November 2022, has already been extended on two occasions, first to 5 December 2022 and following the December 21, 2022by the contracting station on the basis of requests for clarification, in order to guarantee the maximum participation of the operators.

The investigation was born from an application filed on October 31, 2022 by Fastweb, which communicated the impossibility of formulating its technical offer due to alleged impeding behavior on the part of TIM. “In fact, while Wind Tre promptly complied with the request for access to its maps, TIM allegedly denied access to its maps by opposing reasons of commercial confidentiality of the data and proposing some alternative solutions”, reads the bulletin.

“TIM’s failure to provide Fastweb with coverage maps could be liable to constitute an abuse of a dominant position with the object and/or effect of limit competition in the market“, writes the AGCM.
