TIM, Agcom launches market tests on price indexing mechanism

TIM Tim Brasil the acquisition of the mobile activities of

(Finance) – The Council of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications has approved the launch of a market test lasting 30 days on the price indexing mechanism introduced by TIM as part of the co-investment offer.

This is what we read in a note from Agcom. Following TIM’s communication of its intention to change the prices of the Offer of
co-investment to adjust them to inflation, presented in May 2022, and the consequent dialogue phase with the Authority, TIM sent on 21 October 2022 a consolidated version of the co-investment offer which was deemed not in contrast with art. . 87, paragraph 1, lett. c) of the Code (Article 76, paragraph 1, letter c CCEE) and therefore will be subject to public consultation in order to acquire the observations of the interested parties. The act was approved with Commissioner Giomi voting against.

In the text submitted for consultation – reads the note – lintroduction of a staggered mechanism to define the annual inflation rate to be applied to the prices of the co-investment offer starting from the year 2023 (both those of adhesion and those of the annual use of the access services). The mechanism involves theapplication of the minimum value the expected inflation rate for each individual bracket. In any case, no price adjustment is envisaged in the event that the inflation rate recorded is less than 2%.

The Offer also extends the application of the economic conditions envisaged for 2021 to co-investors who will adhere until April 2023. At the end of the market test, taking into account market observations, the Authority will carry out its own assessments of merit which could lead to carry out the new phase of European consultation, in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Communications Code.
