TIM: “A new image for a company projected on innovation”

TIM A new image for a company projected on innovation

(Finance) – Tim’s new identity is born, with a dynamic style, modern colors and people who occupy the scene almost entirely, to also visually reflect – explains Tim in a note – the “Digital with human touch” strategy, or simplicity of digital combined with the widespread presence in the area. To launch the New identity of TIM it is lo institutional spot, on air from tomorrow, Which portrays the evolution of communication in Italy and tells the way the company, yesterday and today, guides innovation and change, supporting and encouraging new lifestyles and connection styles between people.

“Tim is changing leather and the new image that represents us from today reflects the path of renewal that we are realizing. For over one hundred years we are the heart of innovation in Italy and we continue to evolve to accompany the economic and social development of the country – he said Pietro Labriola, CEO of TIM -. We guide the development of digital and we do it continuing to always be close to our customers, the people and companies that daily turn to us to simplify the way of living, working, studying, having fun and connecting “.

In the new institutional spot, Visible on the main national television broadcasters, the history of the brand merges with that of Italy. On the notes of “children of the stars” by Alan Sorrenti – a song that turns with the passage of time just like technology – traces the technological evolution of the last 50 years and the way Tim is always next to people, accompanying them in the changes that mark the life and progress of society. A journey from the old telephone booth to the first cell phones, up to artificial intelligence and modern smart cities, which closes with the claim “wherever you will be, we will be” to express TIM’s promise: continue to bring innovation to Italy, to trace the evolution of our society. The brand’s new identity presents itself with a more contemporary look, recalls the movement and transmits simplicity and closeness to customers. The images become even more incisive, they portray subjects from different, dynamic perspectives, and contribute to communicating innovation as a beating heart of growth. The messages become even more direct and memorable, and turn to all generations, such as the digital future. The Tim Icon, an emblem of the brand, becomes more evident and the blue becomes brighter and more vibrant, an “ultra blue”.
