Tiktok’s new beauty trend: douyin blush

Tiktoks new beauty trend douyin blush

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    Long decried, blush seems to be making a strong comeback on social networks, TikTok in the lead. Born in China, the latest trick is to apply the blush on strategic areas for a natural “sunburn” effect – and less harmful to the skin. It is the “douyin blush”.

    Unlike xenials and millennials, Zs have made blush their new beauty essential, multiplying the tricks to make it a must-have for everyone. After the W blush and the under eye blush, it’s the turn of the douyin blush to emulate on TikTok. The goal? Bring freshness and radiance to the areas that the sun naturally causes to blush first. A real phenomenon since the hashtag #sunkissedmakeup has accumulated no less than 7.5 million views on the Chinese social network.

    A natural and light make-up

    It is moreover to the Middle Kingdom that we owe the trend douyin blush, according to the many users who have succumbed to it. After having spread to several Asian countries, including Japan, this beauty tip is gradually arriving in Europe, the United States, and Latin America, to the delight of those who now swear only by makeup. natural. We forget the foundation, the correctors, the highlighter, and the bronzer, and we bet on light textures that give a healthy glow. And in this little game, blush is a big favorite.

    the douyin blush, whose hashtag has already generated more than 3 million views, does not require any special skills, let alone wacky products. The trend is simply to draw the letter V, more or less large depending on the desired result, in very specific places, namely the nose, the chin, the cheekbones, and the outer corners of the eyes. Note that some users prefer hearts to V, undoubtedly more aesthetic for a social network as visual as TikTok. The final step is simply to blend everything with a beauty blender.

    To succeed in this sleight of hand, you must banish powder blush, and favor liquid or creamy blush (in a stick). Some users swap blush outright for red or raspberry lipstick, but it’s best to stick with the product that gave the trend its name. According to those who have tested, the result would be spectacular. the douyin blush would achieve the same rosy complexion that an afternoon spent in the sun offers – with protection, of course.

    For the most natural beauty, it is not necessary to apply this technique on several layers of foundation and correctors. Better to do it on skin with no or little makeup, or possibly after applying a primer if you want to hide some imperfections… As you would do on vacation for a trip to the beach.
