TikTok’s latest dangerous trend: baking soda for weight loss

TikToks latest dangerous trend baking soda for weight loss

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    The latest absurd tip shared on TikTok is to add Himalayan salt and baking soda to a glass of water to lose weight and cellulite. Spoiler: this recipe does not work and may be dangerous.

    Water, baking soda and Himalayan salt. This is the recipe that is currently exchanged on social networks, to lose weight and cellulite. A “slimming tip” enticing shared thousands of times on TikTok as summer approaches, but whose effects are not guaranteed.

    The alert of health professionals

    On this same social network, a user called @Dr Idz twist this trick. According to the future doctor, cellulite has nothing to do with hydration, the reasons being multiple. In a video, the specialist specifies that cellulite is harmless. According to him, the majority of women who lose weight see their cellulite improve significantly.

    No scientific data links baking soda to weight loss. However, the white powder can aid digestion and act as an appetite suppressant. But its effects are temporary. Its consumption is also not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 6 years old. People on medication should not take it. Once ingested, it can “reduce the concentration in your blood of certain drugs”, specifies the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.

    To reduce cellulite, Dr. Idz advises doing a sporting activity, especially cycling.
