TikTok: discover the “Create Your Year” tip to keep your good resolutions for 2023

TikTok discover the Create Your Year tip to keep your

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    With the approach of the new year, many people want to start afresh. But if it is easy to make good resolutions, it is much less easy to stick to them… Discover a new TikTok tip “Create Your Year” which allows you to keep your resolutions in 2023.

    New year 2023: will the French keep their good resolutions?

    The figures speak for themselves: only 55% of French people say they have kept at least one of their resolutions for the year 2021, according to a recent Ipsos survey carried out for the French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics. A proportion slightly down on last year (-2 pts) .

    This difficulty in respecting our commitments can be explained by a lack of realism upstream. Indeed, it can be difficult to quit smoking overnight if you are a heavy smoker. Or give up on animal protein, if your diet revolves around meat. Weaknesses in organization can also prevent us from implementing new habits, as can a lack of support from those around us. Result: resolutions become a source of pressure, even guilt. The temptation is then great to abandon them and not change anything in our routine.

    Good in your body, good in your head!

    “Create Your Year”: what is this new TikTok trend?

    Yet it is entirely possible to set attainable resolutions and stick to them. The TikToker @nikidetrich so experienced it. She explains in a video, viewed nearly two million times, that she has developed a method called “Create Your Year” (“create your year”, in French) to make effective and lasting commitments. It consists in favoring monthly rather than annual resolutions. “You set a new goal for each month and at the end you put everything together”summarizes Niki Detrich.

    For example, you can choose to dedicate your month of January to gradually reduce your alcohol consumption, in accordance with the famous “Dry January”. You can then focus on another goal in February, without forgetting your previous commitment. “In theory, if you do something for an entire month, it will naturally accompany you for the rest of the year”says Niki Detrich in another video.

    In practice, it often takes much longer than 30 days to incorporate a new habit into your routine. Researchers at University College London estimated in 2009 that it takes, on average, 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic. Despite this, it is quite possible to form new habits every month of the year.

    The key to success is breaking down your resolutions into reasonable goals and taking the time to achieve them. Small incremental changes are better than drastic behavior, according to TikTok users who have tried the “Create Your Year” technique. “I’ve been doing this for years. It’s very effective. I set myself three small goals every month that contribute to the ‘health, wealth and happiness’ categories”explains one of them.

    Whatever your commitments for 2023, don’t forget to be indulgent with yourself and put your failures into perspective.
