Tiken Jah Fakoly: “I wanted to prove that the origin of reggae is Africa”

Tiken Jah Fakoly I wanted to prove that the origin

The African reggae star, the Ivorian singer Tiken Jah Fakoly, released this Friday, November 4 his eleventh studio album entitled Power Heist. In this album, faithful to his usual style, he marries reggae with traditional African instruments.

A committed and militant artist, Tiken Jah Fakoly pays tribute in this new album to the people who gave their lives for democracy, with particular reference to the popular uprisings in Africa. It also delivers, in titles interpreted in English or French, messages calling for unity and peace.

Tiken Jah Fakoly begins this Friday, November 4 a French tour to present this album, first stage at Le Mans this evening in the west of France. He will be in Paris at The cicada December 3 and 4, 2022.

► Also to listen: #SessionLive by Tiken Jah Fakoly
