Tiingelinn on her summer plans: Fuckboys

Tiingelinn on her summer plans Fuckboys

Linn “Tiingelinn” Andersson26, has been in three seasons of “Young Moms” where viewers got to follow the family life of Linn and her three daughters.

Today, Linn is followed by around 116,000 people and has continued to blog about her life as a young mother. She became pregnant with her first child at 19 and today has three children with three different fathers, which she talked about a lot on her social media.

“Never dreamed of having children with different fathers. But life never has any guarantees. Instead of mourning what you didn’t get, you can be happy with what you have, what you create and what makes you happy,” wrote she in a post on Instagram.

Linn is currently single but has mentioned on her social media that she is open to meeting someone. But not just anyone.

Linn “Tiingelinn” Andersson about fuckboys

During the week, Linn wrote out a message to her female followers. She talked about her summer plans and how she herself planned to put it all together.

“This summer is about focusing on ourselves and our own happiness. Stop chasing friends who aren’t there when you need them, and leave all the guys who don’t treat you well behind. You deserve so much more!

Surround yourself with those who give you energy and joy.
Say goodbye to all the fuckboys.
Spend your time growing and enjoying every moment.

Let’s make this summer a time of self-improvement, love and joy! Tag someone who needs to hear this and let’s spread positivity!”, Linn wrote under her picture.

And in the comment field, there are comments from girls who plan to have the same summer plans as Linn.
