Tight speed cameras, MIT: tomorrow the interministerial decree establishing the new rules

Tight speed cameras MIT tomorrow the interministerial decree establishing the

(Finance) – It will be published tomorrow on interministerial decree Infrastructures/Interior which regulates the methods of placement and use of the Speed ​​Cameras. MIT announced this in a note. “The measure, strongly supported by the Vice-President of the Council and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salviniputs the protection of traffic safety first, placing certain rules on the positioning of devices and sanctions”, reads the press release.

The sections of road on which speed cameras can be used must be identified with a provision of the prefect and reported at least 1 km before outside inhabited centers. Furthermore, the minimum distance which must elapse between one device and another (progressive by type of road) in order to avoid the proliferation.

They cannot be used where there is a Speed ​​Limit excessively reduced: less than 50 km, on urban roads; for extra-urban roads only if the speed limit imposed is not reduced by more than 20 km compared to that envisaged by the code for that type of road (if the limit is 110 km/h, the device can only be used if the limit is set at at least 90 km/h but not for lower limits).

Finally, the decree specifies that the use of devices on board a moving vehicle is permitted only if there is immediate complaintotherwise fixed or mobile locations must be chosen, duly visible.
